December Goals

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 12/02/13 •  3 min read


Well, I think I’m learning what Nancy Ray meant when she said she really stunk at setting goals at first. I didn’t do so hot at accomplishing my goals from November, but honestly? Let’s not get upset about it. Let’s just get smarter about setting goals and completing them. Some of these goals I realized were not all that important to me, and some of the goals I just lost track of. Let’s look back.

My goals for November were:


My December Goals:

  1. Finish Book Proposal.
  2. Read Gift from the Sea again. It’s ALWAYS my fave.
  3. Do not eat out because of lack of planning. Eat out for enjoyment–but not because I wasn’t prepared.
  4. Serve somewhere with the boys before Christmas.
  5. Purchase gifts thoughtfully.

GOALS-QUOTEOne thing Mike and I have been thinking tons about recently is money and giving and finances. I have one big dream that would take a not-small-sum of money–and also, we have a shorter term dream that would cause a radical change in our finances. We are just looking to Scripture and to wise people in our life to lead us. Praying that this Christmas season would be one of inspiration and clarity.

I’d love for you to join in! Link up and we can check in on each other and encourage one another in our goals. If you would (and you don’t HAVE to), click over to the person directly before you and encourage them in their plans. It always helps to know that there is someone cheering us on! You can also click over to November’s post and go through the links to see how everyone did on last month’s goals.

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