Hilary Rushford Happy Hour Book Tour

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 11/27/13 •  3 min read

Hilary Rushford is kind of one of my girl crushes. She’s kind of the version of myself I envisioned before I met Mike and had a billion boys. She lives in NYC, wears the cutest clothes, and lives an ambitious creative life. She invited me to be part of the Happy Hour Book Tour, which is showcasing bloggers and entrepreneurs talking about the 4 Part Entrepreneurial Cocktail, which is releasing soon!


Today, seeing as we are moving into a super busy season, I wanted to talk about how I avoid overwhelm. That’s kind of my deal. Less fuss is my jam. Avoiding overwhelm is a must for me. I’m ruthless about cutting things that push me over the edge.  In fact, I just released my own little e-booklet talking about how I “Cultivate Authentic Calm in Everyday Crazy” (you can get it for FREE just for signing up for my fun newsletter). Hilary’s book is geared towards entrepreneurs and biz-ladies, but I feel like I live a double-life…both full time entrepreneur and full time momma and wife. So, my overwhelm falls equally in both camps.

My overwhelm comes from two main sources:

1. My own ideas: When I rest on Sundays and take a real Sabbath…I have to fast from new ideas and stewing on how to improve what I already have going. My own plans and strategies can cause me massive stress, because I can’t get to all of my new ideas. Sometimes my new ideas are not good ideas and they would take me far off of my desired course. But, learning that about myself has taken several years and lots of stress and heartache. I’ve learned now that staying the course and sticking to the plan is the best way for me to avoid getting totally frustrated and frazzled, and it also leads to better measurable results.

2. Saying yes too quickly and too often: Most times I really want to be involved in everything. I get excited easily and I’m a super fan of most every lady who is going after what she’s passionate about. I want to help, I want to promote, I want to give, I want to cheerlead. It also often feels easier to just do things myself rather than teach someone else how to complete a task. I am not a naturally gifted teacher, and so the process of conveying an process or routine to someone does not bring me joy or give life. It is not life-giving for me, and I wonder if it’s life-giving for the person learning! But, I am learning to have a “Brave Yes and a Strong No” (direct quote from Emily Freeman at 2012 Influence Conference).

Yesterday, Jane Frankland talked a ton about How to Build a Business with Blogging and tomorrow I’m really excited to hear from Indy local Maria Romaine. You can check out all the posts in the Happy Hour Blog Tour, and you’ll definitely want to do that–Hilary gathers the most fun girls and from the looks of her Instagram, she always goes to super fun parties!

Yesterday, we looked at The Essentials in The No Brainer Wardrobe, and later today I’ll be posting the Staples. The Staples are those perennial favorites that probably last a few years. They aren’t going out of style any time soon, but you definitely have lots of lee-way to choose something that is uniquely you. Be sure to check back!