after my weekend

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 11/25/13 •  3 min read


I took another #analogweekend, and it was glorious. It is getting dreary and downright chilly around here, which makes it super important for me to hunker down and get busy in the physical living. I want to feel things, the heat from my portable space heater that I haul around the house, the soft skin and spiky hair of my boys, the scratchy wool of my toasty socks. I want to be present enough to feel, and not distracting my attention away.

Mike and I went on a super relaxed date on Saturday night. We saw the first snow flakes of the season as we packed up the boys in the van for the short drive over to my grandparents. The boys hurried to their little stash of toys at “Baca and Nama’s” house (the boys named them that when they couldn’t say Grandpa and Grandma) and we hurried off on our date. We looked at each other over pizza and realized that we still have so much fun together, and that made us smile and giggle and feel warm and super thankful.


These boys keep me busy, and we’re on our first round of winter sickness. The oldest boy and the youngest boy have both succumbed to the virus, but the middle guys are holding tough. I can feel myself starting to get worn down and achy–so I’m researching ways to get my immune system ready for the winter. Do you have any hints or tricks you like to do for your own family?

I’ve been busy researching the very best pine candles, so that I can report back before the first of December. You should get excited, because I’m quite certain I’ve found the very best of the best. I’m going to have 4 to recommend, and I’ll share my favorite.



This week on Tiny Twig, I’ll be sharing more from The No Brainer Wardrobe. I’ll show you the very best options out there right now for your closet. It’s going to be a week of epic content right during the holiday. I’m not sure why I planned it that way, but it’s on my November goal list…so I’m trying to be a good goal keeper and get it done.  ((are you planning on linking up on the December goals link up?? plan on it!))

On the menu in the Morgan house this week: