wildly co GOES WILD

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 04/02/14 •  3 min read



Yesterday was a big day in my house. My family and I launched a brand new endeavor out of the upstairs office in our home. It’s called Wildly Co. and it’s been months in the making. If I’m honest, I think it’s inception was actually in a ballroom at the Sheraton in Indianapolis where we held the first Influence Conference.

My husband had just heard Barrett Ward speak on his career trajectory. Barrett went from board rooms, tailored suits, and big paychecks to a gut-check and African mud on the bottom of his flip flops. Mike felt a whoosh of the Holy Spirit, and since then we’ve sat in the in-between. Still living the lives we were that day, but with changed hearts.

In a lot of ways, we’re still very much in-between. But, we are moving in the direction God has called us.

This is just a step in faith. One that matches with our giftings and burdens.

Also? It’s a LOT of stinkin’ fun! Who wouldn’t love to get to do this kind of work?? 


There is a major problem with the kids clothes market. It’s either super expensive or the good stuff is far too hidden in a store full of junk, taking too much time to sift through. It doesn’t hold up and it’s oftentimes produced under horrible work conditions.

It’s just not an awesome process all-around. I think it could be a lot better. So, with a little bit of my No Brainer Wardrobe sensibility, we’re creating an ethically manufactured capsule wardrobe for kids. Like, buy these things and your kid can dress themselves every day because NOTHING will mismatch! Like, one-stop-shopping. Like, get it all for a bundled price–shipped out to you in a golden package. Truly. A golden package will come to your mailbox.


The full capsule wardrobe is where we hope to be soon! We are working with an ethical manufacturer currently to produce our fall and winter releases. They are coming, but first (and always!) we’ll have T’s, because what kid doesn’t live in T’s??

Our T’s are only $15–which is a steal for a hand printed kids T. We’ve worked REALLY hard to keep our costs down so we could in turn keep our prices to a point where normal, everyday (AWESOME!) Moms and Dads could afford to dress their wild ones. I’d seriously be SO blessed if you’d take a look at our site and choose a shirt for your kid or as a gift! And, remember IT’S JUST THE BEGINNING!

That’s the fun part! By purchasing the T’s, you’re propelling us in the ability to produce our extended line–who doesn’t want to be in on the ground floor of something like that? And, I promise I’ll tell the story along the way!

Thanks for being part of my life for the past 5 years. It’s just getting to the good part. :) :) :)  Head to Wildly Co!!!