what is required?

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 06/11/12 •  2 min read

Lately, I’ve been wondering a lot about what exactly I want out of these crazy days I lead. I want to live an amazing love story. I want to be so present in my boys’ lives. I want to be a creative force. I want to say important things in casual ways.

I don’t want to be extra white noise in the blog world. I don’t want to say things just to hear myself talk. I don’t want to be heavy on words but light on heart. Oh, to ever be light on heart.

I want to get past the “I’m so busy, my kids are so crazy, I can’t do it all!” chant that we hear all the time as women. I want to get past the “Can’t serve others because I’m too busy serving myself and my people!” mentality that I see in my own life. I want to live a life that is peaceful and full of love, community, and a natural outpouring of service.

I have no idea what that looks like practically. :) BUT while I was lost in thought about these things, I made this free printable for you (click the link to download). It’s 8×10, so you can pop it in a frame for a bit of summer bright and change it out when the mood strikes.

I’d love to know how (if!?) you align your life to be more peaceful/less frantic, but also more about others. Would you toss out your ideas in the comment section? I’m dying for input.