
By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 01/18/12 •  1 min read

This is just a sampling of the Look Book section of The No Brainer Wardrobe.  As you can tell, I live in those boots during the wintertime.  No soggy socks and no wet hems.  Glory!  I am also wearing 3 different fashionABLE scarves–which are AMAZING in every way.  They have this great gauzy texture that the women in Ethiopia weave, and it just contours to your neck and keeps you warm and toasty without being suffocating.

Today, if you’re visiting from Lindsey at The Pleated Poppy for WIWW, go download The No Brainer Wardrobe now–if you are among the first 15 to use the code WIWW you’ll get 50% off the cover price of the book.

Untitled from hayley morgan on Vimeo.