waiting for passion

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 04/13/12 •  3 min read

Sometimes it’s just not the time to pursue that great big, beating out of your heart, racing thoughts in your head passion.  I hate waiting.  Patience is not a strength of mine.

But waiting is part of life.  Maybe…

You just had a baby.  You’re 5 semesters into your undergrad.  You have more debt than not.  You have 3 kids under 5.  You’re getting ready to move.  You’ve just moved.  Your parents are ill.  You’re between jobs.  You have 3 jobs.  You’re exhausted.  You’re stressed.  You have no margin.

Sometimes it’s just not the right time to pursue the “big thing” that you desire more than anything.  Sometimes it’s not the time to pursue something good.  Sometimes it’s not the time to pursue what you feel you are called to do.

And, that’s okay.  There are seasons full of nothing but waiting.

Waiting can be good.  So good.  Waiting can cause patience to grow beyond what you knew possible.

Patience can test your passion, put it through to the fiery test of time.  Waiting can refine your passion, burning away all of the unnecessary, all of the fluff you thought you had to have in order to make a go of it.  Patience while waiting has a tendency to hone a focus on the most essential elements of your passion.

Sure, at first–while waiting for a baby, that burning passion of motherhood–it seemed important to have the nursery just so and the bank account nice and padded.  But, as you wait for that bundle of joy for one reason or another–your heart trains on the important part of that passion of motherhood…the very tiny person that makes you a mother.

Of course, to own your own business, it would be nice to have all new equipment and a beautiful office to receive clients.  However, if you’ve had to wait to go after your dream, just opening your doors and helping one person will feel like you’ve been given the keys to the city.

If it’s not yet time to pursue your passion, for whatever reason, just wait.  Wait in the middle.  Wait in the waiting.  Wait patiently to move forward.

Your passion will still be there, waiting for it’s season.

5 Tips While Waiting:

*Research and learn about your interest.  Learn about it from all angles.  Watch films about it, read books about it, conduct interviews about it.

*Imagine your life without pursuing that passion.  What would that life feel like?  Imagine your life when you finally can go after your passion.  What does that life feel like?

*Talk to people who are currently doing what you want to do.  Ask what it is really like.  Try to get a realistic idea of what is required.

*Start to gather resources you will need for when the time is right.

*Have a friend who will remind you that now is not the time for your passion, but now is good.  There is value to be found in the here and now.

For more in this series, please visit The Passion Proposition.