she reads truth

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 05/21/12 •  3 min read

Okay, so to be honest the word accountability brings back uncomfortable memories of high school small group–of which, I must add, I have MANY amazing memories.  We were all about measuring each other’s sin and progress and calling each other out if we were not “pursuing truth”.  This was not at the urging of our amazing and selfless leaders, but was born out of our own hearts that longed for checklists and a nice little graph to keep us in the right and out of wrong.

Now, because of seeing the division and hurt and frustration (and lack of growth) I’ve seen come from “accountability partners”, I tend to bristle at the mere mention of accountability.  Please don’t hear me wrong, I think it is important to walk alongside each other in honest community and grow together–but in my experience this is healthier done over shared meals and experiences than in prescribed and measured times.  The heart can be so easily missed in the name of accountability.  However, it’s true, we need others to encourage us and challenge us in our faith.

The Bible verse I go back to when I ponder accountability is this:

Hebrews 10:23-25

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,  not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.

When I look up the word spur in the dictionary, I find the idea of “urging someone forward or egging someone on”.  I know I am most egged on when I am seeing the positive results from other people’s lives.  That’s why you’ll find the “Tales of Passionate Women” biographies on this site.  I am encouraged to persevere because of the inspiring stories of other women (even other bloggers!) who haven’t given up.

Anyway, so if we’re thinking of accountability as a spurring on towards love and good deeds–an egging on toward love…then, I need to share with you the new little community of #SheReadsTruth.  Kacia and Maggie (two Community Leaders for #InfluenceConf) developed this awesome idea of reading through a devotional together and talking about it (sounds a lot like spurring one on to me!).  Well, they threw in a hashtag and started a conversation over social media, and a little revolution was born.  Within 2 days, there were dozens of women joining it.  I am also involved and am finding so much encouragement in this new little #SheReadsTruth community.

If you want to join in, it’s simple!  All are welcome!  Simply, download the You Version Bible App on your smartphone and then choose the Soul Detox reading plan (that’s the one we’re doing first!).  We are on Day 5.  Feel free to catch up or start on Day 5, however works best for you.  Just jump right in on Instagram or Twitter and use the hashtag #shereadstruth so that other women can find and follow your thoughts.

There is so much encouragement in seeing that other women are learning and growing and finding community.  I’d love to see your face around the #shereadstruth group.  Join in anytime and invite your friends!

And, GO, read Kacia’s post on #SheReadsTruth.