rest in not a dirty word

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 04/10/12 •  2 min read


This weary world moans for it.  

We race from stimuli to stimuli, ever seeking more.  Boredom is a dirty word.

But, remember.  Remember.

Do you remember summer vacation as a child?  A great big sigh at first, a welcome respite from a year worked hard.  Then, summertime lulled into a rhythm nourishing your soul.  Full of joy and fireflies and memories and things opposite of No. 2 pencils and lockers.  Finally, as the August days pushed forward and the heat became oppressive, the boredom sets in.

That boredom.  Did your mom make you sit in it?  “Only boring people are bored.”  Find your own fun, read a book, clean your room.

Those days of boredom then gave birth to an anticipation for new school supplies, a new routine, more structure.  The familiar smells of pencil shavings and school glue–ripe with fresh starts and new beginnings.  It was in those waning days of summer that my motivation and my passion returned, with the promise of the beginning again, but renewed and not weary.

That’s the inspiration I need to sustain my passionate life.  I need the promise of beginning again, but renewed not weary.  And that only comes after rest.

For the rest of this series, check out The Passion Proposition.