passion can be quiet

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 04/11/12 •  1 min read

Because passion doesn’t have to roar.

It’s okay to pursue your passion in an introverted way, in a more singular way.

Group think and group projects and committees…not everyone works like that.  “Solo flights of thought” can breed the most amazing innovation. Plus, you cannot–absolutely cannot–lead a sustainable passionate life when you are living outside of your “sweet spot” for a long period of time.  Sure, it’s important to go out on a limb and take risks–but, you’ll have a more lasting impact if you take care of and know yourself.

As an extrovert, this was GREAT for me to hear–and I’m sure it’s SO life-giving to introverts.  Societally, we value extroversion to a high degree often to the denigration of introverts.  That’s such a shame.  Some of my most treasured friends are introverts, and they are the quiet and wise stalwarts in my life.

Susan Cain, the TED speaker, also wrote a great book called Quiet.

For more in this series, visit The Passion Proposition.