no brainer wardrobe :: “the plan”

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 10/02/11 •  2 min read

J.Crew’s Jenna Lyons’ Closet–this is not my reality

I am a plan person.  Like I’ve said before, I am a great starter but not a great finisher.  It is one of the not-so-wonderful qualities (but, oh!  there’s good, too!) of an ENFP, like myself.  So, to reign in my sometimes scattered self I like to be prepared and make lists and plans.  Sometimes (most of the time) these best laid plans end up altered and sometimes discarded…but it helps to know where you are going before you get there.

So, in the coming days, we will work to define your style, procure inspiration, discern what you need, and purge what you have.  That’s before any of the really fun stuff like the capsule wardrobe I’ve put together for the fall and winter seasons.  You’ll also find posts highlighting real ways to wear fashiony trends, outfit equations using the capsule wardrobe pieces, and handmade accessories that will add just the right amount of character to your style.

You should know, I am not a fashion blogger.  I am a regular lady who likes to look cute, but loves to live life even more than that.  I don’t let getting dressed stress me out.  This is about realizing that looking perfect everyday isn’t the aim.  Looking good and put together, feeling proud and confident–now that is what it’s about.  You don’t have to spend a fortune, you don’t have to spend an eternity.  You just need to let go of a few preconceived ideas that you’ve probably carried with you without even knowing it.  And, that ladies, is what tomorrow is all about.

Until then, catch up on yesterday’s post introducing the series.

oh!  and!  i am having a glitch with firefox and the fonts on my site (messed up headers and titles…and dropped “fi” and “ff” letter blends.  i am working to resolve it, but for now…either trust that it will work soon and cope with half legible type…or…use another browser.  thanks for your patience!