no brainer wardrobe :: day 5 for all women

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 10/05/11 •  3 min read

Celebrating How We Are Different

I am passionate about women.  I love the creativity of women.  I love that women are relational and full-hearted.  I love that we are all different with diverse things to offer up.  I love that some of us are tall and some of us are short–some blonde and some ginger locked.  I think the things that make us different are the things that make us beautiful.

Please don’t think that this series is exclusively for people who wear a size 4, have a large expendable budget, are 25 years old, or who feel 100% amazing about themselves.  These posts are for every sized woman.  The tips I give should not have to cost a billion dollars.  And, now is the perfect time to make your wardrobe work for you…not when you feel finally feel beautiful enough to deserve it.

You can feel good about your clothes in the body you live in today.  You may still lament those extra pounds from carrying your beautiful babies (or eating not as well as you should).  Your outfit will not change your heart or body.  However, your clothes can improve your outlook and attitude.

How We Will Handle Our Differences

In this series, it does not matter your size.  When we look at inspiration, take the pieces that will work for you.  If that stumps you, I will show you how in a future post.

When you look at an outfit, remember the pieces can come at all price points.  In future outfit posts, I will show options at various prices.  I will also have a post devoted completely to thrifting stylish pieces and hosting a clothing swap with friends.

We will look at taking an outfit and making it appropriate for women of all ages.  A 20 year old woman and a 60 year old woman can adapt trends to fit their unique life stage.

If you don’t feel great about your body, just remember that there are ways to dress that will make you feel more put together.  However, your heart is a so precious that you should take time to sort out why you are unhappy.  If you can change it, why not try?  If you cannot change it, then know that you are so valuable the way you are.

Action Items for Day 5

*Check out my new Pinterest board that features outfit inspiration that may feel more representative of the lady population as a whole.  :)

*Trust that you will learn something in this series.  If you have other questions or concerns, please leave them in the comments or email me.  I want to make sure that I have ideas for everyone.

Previous posts in 31 Days to a No Brainer Wardrobe: day 1 a manifesto, day 2 the plan, day 3 defining your style, and day 4 picking out pieces.