no brainer wardrobe :: day 27 2 jewelry trends

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 10/27/11 •  2 min read

Accessories.  They can be pricey…or they can be had for a song.  They can be complicated and change everyday…or you can create a “signature look”.  With accessories, it’s just as important to know what you like and dislike as with clothes.  If makes no sense to buy what you won’t wear.  Don’t fall into buying every cheap and trendy accessory you come across.

I have bought many rings over the years, but I have come to know that I only really wear my wedding rings.  Any “fashion” rings feel cumbersome to me–and they will sit in a drawer with the rest of my “cast-offs”.  I have toddler sized wrists, so bracelets are best when stretchy or literally from the children’s department.  If bracelets are larger, I will not wear them for fear of losing them.

I love earrings and I especially love big necklaces.  Those are my bread-and-butter jewelry items.  I’ll buy a fun big necklace for cheap, because I know I’ll wear it to pieces.  Earrings are also something I love.  I am pickier about them, though, and they have to be really great in order for me to pick them up.  I think the abundance of cheap chandelier earrings while I was in college burnt me out a little bit.

Today, I wanted to share 2 trends in jewelry that can really add some spunk to your wardrobe.  They also bring your look up to a really current and modern point.

necklace, pendant

Tomorrow I will have 2 posts for you.  One post is how to take the Tiny Twig Capsule Wardrobe and make it office ready (this is a guest post by the ladies at Office Pretty).  The second post will be what I consider my “essentials” as far as jewelry goes.  I am debating a scarf post, because we are almost out of time in this series.  Do ya’ll know enough about scarves or do we need to flesh that out a little?