making things happen recap

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 11/05/13 •  3 min read

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 image from Lara Casey

 Making Things Happen is the brainchild of Lara Casey, one of our speakers from The Influence Conference. Jessi and I signed up sometime earlier this year–and since it was right after our conference, we looked at it as our special reward for finishing up conference season. I was looking at it as a way to support Lara, as a way to gain some clarity, and as a weekend with my friend and biz partner. I wasn’t expecting anything life-changing or overly exceptional.

But, it was. And, I know that’s silly. I know that’s dramatic, and I know that’s overdone. But, more than anything, the life-changing thing was taking a full weekend and doing hard emotional work and working on it until you’ve trained your brain to think a certain way. The first day was all about breaking you down emotionally (not in a harsh way), getting out the ugly and the lies you believe and the things that are holding you back. The second day was used to build you back up–on the right track.

If you ever get a chance to attend an event like Making Things Happen (or even Making Things Happen itself!!), you should jump on the opportunity. To set aside time to spend on yourself has the potential to make all of your relationships better.

My top 3 takeaways from Making Things Happen:

  1. If you invest up-front, you’re more likely to invest in the moment. We invested a not small amount of money, a significant amount of time, and loads of planning to make this weekend work. You had better believe that we were soaking up every word, following every suggestion, and overall “trusting the process”. This was a good lesson for me, also, in thinking about the way relationships work in general. 
  2. You can reframe your self-talk. Do you listen to the speeches you’re giving yourself all day every day? Do you hear the monologues? Really hear them? Would you EVER talk like that to someone else? Then, why are you doing it to yourself? I really spent time listening to the words I was saying, a lot of “I can’t” and “I’m not” and “I don’t know”. But, if I just turned those statements on their head, I started speaking something that looked much more like the truth.
  3. People want the Good News. It was a wonderful weekend, and a complete joy to see Lara in her element. She coaches and guides creative women really beautifully. She is amazing at breaking down the untruths and filling people back up with words of affirmation and encouragement. It was so interesting as we all shared the ways we weren’t enough or had failed, it sure sounded like we were all longing for Someone to make it right. And, Lara knows that she can’t make it all right. But, she does know the One who can…and that’s HUGE.

I’d really encourage you guys to check out the next event in March. If you have a creative business or are simply a creative woman who needs some direction, I would say you’d benefit greatly from spending time with Lara, Gina, and Emily.