Madewell Event Recap

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 11/06/13 •  3 min read

madewell5image from my darling friend Lindsey Kubly

Last Wednesday, the day before Halloween, I was able to spend the evening at the Indianapolis Madewell store hanging out with Tiny Twig readers, shoppers, and just all around cool women. This Madewell/No Brainer Wardrobe event was the culmination of a couple months of planning and getting to know the girls at “my” Madewell and the products very well.

Lindsey and I (fellow Madewell devotees) met for Napolese before we trekked over for the fun. We wiggled our way around the story, ooohing and ahhing over the newest items (they had JUST set the store with a big shipment of new looks!). We talked denim like men talk about cars. We shared our thoughts on layering, which while not a world-shifting subject certainly lifestyle and wardrobe-shifting, indeed.

I promise you, getting a basic wardrobe from Madewell will offer you the most bang for your buck. If it fits your aesthetic at ALL, I think their items mix and match better than any other store. Everything is a staple and everything is well made. There isn’t an item in the store that I’d refuse to wear. Most everything is totally unfussy and classic with a quirky edge…which would happen be my style.


I didn’t plan on it, but I got up there and PREACHED The No Brainer Wardrobe message in the middle of Madewell. Sometimes that happens with me. I get going and then a million ideas spill out of my mouth. There is one thing I love more than most anything else in this world. I LOVE giving OTHER PEOPLE ideas. Does that mean I mostly like to tell other people what to do? I choose to think of it a little more benevolently than that, but take it as you will. ;)

Anyway. Clothes. Madewell. You don’t have to own a billion pieces to feel awesome in your clothes. Sometimes having limitations in your closet means that you’ll have more of what you love and fewer castoffs cluttering up your view. Don’t you feel kind of free when you’re dressing out of a suitcase of just several awesome pieces? That’s ultimately the point I’d like to get to with my closet.


Lindsay and I were able to put together a few of our favorite looks. The basis of these outfits where the Sweatshirt Dress, the Camo Workshirt, and the Skargorn tee. We jazzed them up with classic Madewell pieces–make super simple, super cute ready to go outfits.


Through the end of the week, I’ll be sharing more about this event…so stay tuned. There was WAYYY too much to squish into one post!

Quick question? Do you follow my Pinterest Wardrobe board? If you find yourself drawn to simple, non-fussy, classic with a tiny bit of quirky edge…you should! You just might get some outfit inspiration!