lisa leonard designs – all passion and heart

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 03/09/12 •  2 min read

image by Lena Larsson

Y’all. I hope you know Lisa Leonard. Surely, you do. Right? She is the extremely talented, completely savvy, and wonderful full of heart woman behind Lisa Leonard Designs. I got to spend some time with her at Blissdom (Lisa! Why do we have no pictures?! So sad!)–and I immediately felt like I wanted to force her to move in next door and be my big sister. I know she likes her life in California just fine, but she probably just doesn’t know how much Central Indiana has to offer. ;)

I was looking through her designs the other day, and lo and behold, she has a Tiny Twig necklace. It’s totally darling, and would be perfect for layering with a larger gemstone necklace. I seriously am thinking of asking my sweet man for this for my birthday!

And then! I saw this Connected Necklace at Blissdom. It is so feminine and special, but kind of sculptural and cool, too. I love that it is fluid and moves with you.

I love her jewelry, but also, I just love her heart and the way she does business. She is a woman who is not afraid to do well, but she is as humble as they come and completely full of love.  She had this great and passionate idea, and she ran with it.  She made it happen–online–in a time when there weren’t many women doing so.

She has generously offered Tiny Twig readers 20% off with the code “connect20” (expires March 15)…which is super exciting! I think these sweet necklaces make excellent gifts for moms, grandmothers, sisters.

Would you consider signing up for the newsletter on her site? I am fairly certain you get another coupon code for doing that. And, she has a super engaging Facebook Page, lots of fun going on there.  Her blog is my favorite place to keep up with her, and if you enjoyed The No Brainer Wardrobe–she has AMAZING “What I Wore Wednesday” posts.