kid’s art–how not to lose your mind

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 05/15/12 •  1 min read

In my Instagram feed, you’ll likely see a couple images of a creative mess each week.  We make a LOT of creative messes.  However, because they happen so frequently, I’ve learned some really key ways to keep from losing your mind or control of your house!

I’ve heard from women of all kinds that allowing their kids to make creative messes is one of the most challenging parts of motherhood.  And like many things that are hard for us as parents, it is amazingly important for their sake.  I plan on writing a for the remainder of the week on how to encourage creativity with your children and live to tell the tale.

Today, I’m over at The Creative Mama speaking about Google Art Project.  I would say it is my new favorite discovery online!

Tomorrow, we’ll begin to tackle art with kids.  Really, though, whether or not you have children–the things in this series about can practically help with your own creative messes and philosophically help you deal with other people’s life messes.  ;)

Do you allow other people room to make a mess?