what i’ve learned & am into

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 05/30/14 •  2 min read


I’m linking up with Leigh and Emily today!

What I’ve learned in May:

  1. I’ve been trying to teach myself organization, life processes, email methods, and basic routines this month. I’m scouring the Internet for every possible article. I’ve learned I’m for better AND worse a classic ENFP who can be quite a flake (where is the sobbing ugly cry emoji when you need it??)…even though I care SO much. Any other ENFPs have any solid life routine/organization help to pass along?
  2. Weeding is horrible. You do the work to get the weeds out, and then overnight their babies pop through the soil and you have a whole new bumper crop of weeds. But, there the soil and the work is also rich with metaphor for the Christian life. So, I’m pondering that while blistering my hands and conquering the weeds.
  3. I’ll probably always be sentimental for my younger days when I hear John Mayer. His voice (along with DMB) was the backdrop to many shenanigans and fun times. Lots of learning and growing happened, and I saw him in concert several times, too. Check out his cover of Beyonce’s XO.

Which leads me into…

What I’m Into:

  1. One word. SUMMERTIME.
  2. I want to check out Delancey by Molly Wizenberg. I loved A Homemade Life, her first book, so I’m hopeful that this will delight, too.
  3. Always reading all I can about the personal lives of modern artists. Love this piece from the LA Times on Jackson Pollock.
  4. Planning to find some more creative community in Indianapolis. Starting here. And dreaming about this.
  5. #FridayIntroductions on Instagram is my favorite way to connect with new and fun women! Every Friday Jessi Connolly and I ask a question and then use the hashtag #FridayIntroductions to answer. We encourage everyone else to jump in, too! It’s a great way to learn about people and follow those you find interesting! :)