how to care for lots of kids

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 03/12/13 •  2 min read


We now find ourselves firmly entrenched in the “larger family” camp. Just a few generations ago having a family of 4 children would be considered on the smaller side, not necessitating sideways glances and constant exclamations of “you’ve got your hands full”. But, in our hurried and harried culture, I understand, 4 kids can seem like an awful lot. An awful lot of running around, an awful lot of mouths to feed, an awful lot of doctors visits, an awful lot of noise and chaos. And truly, you’re right, having 4 kids is all of those things. But, it’s also joy.

Chaos and disorganization doesn’t get to me, but noise does. The one thing about having a larger family (and a house with all wood floors downstairs) is the constant noise. The noise is one thing I haven’t figured out a “less fuss” solution for, yet. But, as for the rest of the crazy of having lots of little people…I’m figuring out that there are often ways to do it that require far less crazy than we sometimes expect.

Sometimes it’s lowering our expectations (and you should feel grace in that!). Sometimes it’s asking for help (and you should feel freedom in that!). Sometimes it’s training your children in what to expect (and you should feel good about that!).

I’m not a parenting expert. I am not even an intermediate parent. I’m simply a mom who has 4 crazy boys, a full heart, and a creative appetite that doesn’t satiate. I’ve had to learn to work within the confines of the limitations of my life. Most of the limitations I live with are A) of my own choosing and B) things I would never trade. But, limitations breed innovation. And sometimes your life as a mother needs some innovation.

I’m sharing the things I’ve picked up along the way in The Influence Network’s class “Tips and Tools for Moms of Littles”. I don’t have it all together. I don’t even have it 14% together. But, I enjoy most everything I do. Being a mom feels 86% peaceful for me, and the times when it doesn’t feel peaceful, I know those times will pass. I’d love to share with you what I’ve learned!
