I am first and foremost a wife and a momma. Those two things are my most cherished vocations–and to the extent that I do those two things well determines my success in this stage of life.

I can’t do everything well, not at the same time anyway.

I was given a piece of great wisdom from an older woman a few weeks ago. She said, when faced with many good things…choose to do the one thing only you can do. If there is something someone else can do, then be willing to let it go for the things made just for you.

If it takes awhile for you to hear from me, or you don’t see me commenting back–please know that it’s not for lack of care. It is because these four boys are not going to raise themselves, my dust bunnies are having babies, and my husband loves to hang out in the evenings. In another season, I may be able to pour more time into my endeavors online, but right now, I’m tapped out. I need to love the people right in front of me well, because that’s the thing only I can do.

Mike (my husband) and I talk a lot about how we like to build playgrounds. We are connectors and facilitators. While we can’t be community for everyone, we can create pockets of community where people can gather and be seen and heard. I hope you’ll find that here at Tiny Twig and even more so on The Influence Network.

Know that I see and read every comment–and there are times when I’m able to respond more often. Also, I’m on Twitter and Instagram, if you’d want to connect there!