gift guide for business ladies

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 12/07/12 •  3 min read

entreleadership book, contigo mug, the influence network founding membership, yeti microphone, photoshop elements, wacom tablet, warby parker specs, kate spade earrings, the $100 startup book

entreleadership:  This was the first and best business book I read in 2012.  I don’t super love Dave’s voice in his personal finance work (I think he can come off as kind of arrogant)…but his business stuff really hit home for me.

mug: This is my very favorite mug.  It keeps my coffee warm when I get distracted and forget about it.  I love it so much, I’ve bought multiple mugs and have listed it on previous wish-lists.

the influence network:  Y’all.  If I could encourage you to do one thing online in 2013, it would be to join The Influence Network in some capacity.  Whether you wait on it and subscribe to a monthly membership or jump in with two feet and become a founding member…I just hope to see you in that growing community.  I’m not even saying that because I’m a co-founder…but because I super super believe in what the women of the community are doing.

yeti microphone:  This is what I use for the Simple Mom podcast.  It’s beautiful, it sounds lovely, and most of all it makes me feel super professional!

photoshop elements:  I use the full-blown version of Photoshop to work with graphics and images, but Photoshop Elements is a very powerful tool to take your online (or print) work to the next level.

wacom bamboo tablet:  You can draw, doodle, sketch, etc with this fun little piece of hardware.

warby parkers:  It’s fun to look like a smarty pants, and fun glasses+red lipstick make me feel like a million bucks during Skype meetings (even when I’m wearing pajama pants on bottom!!).

ta-da earrings:  When I had my first little guy, I had a very wise friend who told me about the concept of the “ta da list”.  I’ve told every woman (new mom or not!) I know since.  Stop looking at your to-do’s so closely and start celebrating your ta-da’s.  Make sure you are listing out the things you are getting done rather than just looking at the looooong list of things still to do.  The to-do’s will never end, so make sure to soak in and celebrate the ta-da’s!

100 dollar startup:  This book gave me a whole new idea about small business.  Get it, read it, read it again, pass it along.