First Day of Preschool

By tiny twig •  Updated: 08/31/11 •  2 min read

These boys love each other.  Noah had his first day of preschool last week–and he LOVED it.  He was really ready to spend some time away from the house, away from the family, gaining a little independence.  I was excited for him and not even a little bit sad, but I sure next year will be different story.  Kindergarten and being gone all day every day is a whole different ball game!

Cooper, on the other hand, missed his other half.  He sobbed and sobbed the most heartwrenching cries as we pulled away from the preschool.  He kept saying that he forgot to say goodbye and that he had "lost" Noah.  :(  Now, THAT…that broke my heart.  Cooper has never known a world without Noah.  He has had a built-in best friend from day one, and those boys know how to have fun. 

The sweetest exchange took place on the way to the school on the first day.

Noah:  "Cooper are you excited for me to go to school?"

Cooper: "No!"

**Noah looks confused and hurt.**

Me: "Cooper, are you not excited because you think you'll miss Noah?"

**Cooper tears up and shakes his head in agreement.**

Noah:  "It's okay buddy, I'll probably miss you a lot, too."

Like I said, break my heart.
