find the other crazy people

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 04/16/12 •  2 min read

The flame of passion can be flamed when you are with the right people. There is something about meeting with like-minded friends that makes a passionate heart sing. Someone who gets it when you “talk shop” will see you through when the passionate work becomes a task and almost drudgery (and it will at times!).

Finding kindred spirits, people who speak your language, people who are as excited about your passion as you are…that is invaluable!

I need to tell you something. That person probably isn’t your husband. Very probably isn’t your boyfriend.  Chances are, it isn’t your best friend. Most likely it isn’t your mom. See, passions sometimes make us “unique” or some may say “crazy”. :) Normally what you are crazy about is also the thing that sets you apart from your crowd. So, just be warned, you may have to look outside of your normal social circle to find comrades in your passion.

BUT, it’s so worth it! I promise, if you can seek out (either online or in person–either is fine!!) a friend (or 5!) that shares your passion, you will find your zeal and energy increased and multiplied. The best part is, your new friends’ giftings are probably different than yours, so you will both gain a powerful ally as you grow.

The Internet Age is an age like no other. We are no longer bound by our geography. We can connect with like-minded people like never before. Sharing information, encouraging, leveraging, educating in real time. These are all things that were impossible just a decade ago.

You were made for such a time as this, with your unique passion, and your special strengths. Just think, there are probably hundreds, maybe thousands of others out there that share your excitement. Can you image connecting with them, planning and dreaming with them? What big things could you make happen if you could just find a kindred spirit?

Do you know what you are passionate about?  Do you have a place to connect with those people?  If not, leave it in the comments and maybe the Tiny Twig community has some inside information and can help!