discerning your strengths

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 04/09/12 •  3 min read

It is difficult to pursue your passions with much success if you don’t know what your strengths are.  

One of my new favorites is Strength Finders 2.0.  I think I should probably buy stock in the publisher, because I have convinced all of my family to get the book and take the test.  It was SO dead on in recognizing my top 5 strengths that I was immediately compelled to have everyone I know take the test, too.  Strengths Based Leadership takes the concept further and speaks to how to lead from your strengths and lead others based on their’s.  Both are fantastic books and allow you to take the Strengths Finder test online.  Go, quick!  You’ll probably force all of your loved ones to take the 30-ish minute test, too!

It is so important to choose your work and the way you spend your time based on your strengths.  Otherwise, you’ll likely find yourself fine for awhile, but as time passes soon you will grow tired and frustrated.  You may not even realize what is wrong, but there is a good chance that something will feel amiss.  In the past that feeling has come over me, taking me months to name and change.  When I finally realized what had me so far out of my “sweet spot”, it was because I had set up my life contrary to what I was gifted in.  I was pursuing a college major that had me preparing for a life of early mornings and rigid schedules and certifications and standardization.  Those.are.not.my.strengths.  Can I get an amen?

In case you were wondering, my strengths are:

*Ideation–fascinated by ideas, able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena

*Strategic–create alternate ways to proceed, can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues

*Activator–can make things happen by turning thoughts into action, often impatient.

*Connectedness–have faith in the links between all things, believe there are few coincidences and that almost every event has a reason

*Communication–generally find it easy to put their thoughts into words, are good conversationalists and presenters

For a list of all 34 strengths, check out this page from the publisher.

The most amazing thing happened when I told Husband about the results of the Strengths Finder test.  He said, “Hayley, Tiny Twig uses all of your strengths so well!”.  I was so excited to see that I had indeed set Tiny Twig up to work in a manner consistent with my strengths, as I’ve found this is key to not burning out or spinning your wheels.

Have you taken the Strengths Finder test?  What were your strengths?

For more in this series on finding, keeping, and growing your passion, check out The Passion Proposition.