no brainer wardrobe :: day 21 from capsule to real life

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 10/21/11 •  2 min read

This post is all about taking the ideas and suggestions from the capsule wardrobe and putting them into practice with a real and working closet.  The beauty in this series is my darling friend (and hair magic-worker), the clothes are mine.  I wanted to show you how with a little flexibility you can achieve the looks from the capsule wardrobe with pieces that are “close enough”.  You needn’t go out and buy a whole new wardrobe (although with the sales at Old Navy right now, you almost could!).

The scarf in this outfit is from fashionABLE, whose mission is to create sustainable business for women in Africa.  Their product is so amazing, stylish, and cozy…not to mention socially conscious.  These scarves would make great Christmas presents for the people who have everything.

This is a menswear kind of outfit that achieves the same idea as the clothes in the capsule wardrobe, without mirroring it to a “t”.  The sweater vest is secured by a belt, creating a more feminine waist.  You can tell the idea is the same, though.  The oxford I found while thrifting about 8 years ago.  It is a Bugle Boy size Medium from the boys section of Goodwill.  The sleeves are a little short, but I always roll them anyway.  It’s all about getting the look you want within the amount you are willing to spend.

Here, we have the bright flats, the button down shirt and the paper bag skirt.  The top in the real life outfit is kind of a mix between the two tops from the capsule.  I loved the idea of a print, but in a more structured form.  This top is also from the boys section (Target).  Make sure to look in unexpected places to find great things!

Action Items for Day 21

*Identify pieces you have that are close enough to the capsule pieces

*Put them together into outfits that might work together