headed to Barna Frames

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 01/27/14 •  2 min read

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This week, I’m headed out to LA to Barna Frames to see some of the leading thinkers in the most pressing ideas in Christian culture. I’m most excited to hear from David Kinnaman and Bob Goff, and I’ll be live tweeting the event if you want to keep up. My twitter handle is @thetinytwig.

As stuck as I feel in the midst of a brutal winter (the worst in over 30 years here in Indianapolis), I also feel a spirit of change brewing in my heart.

I’ve experienced these times before, and perhaps you have, too. Suddenly the way things have always been and the way things have always seemed don’t add up anymore. You start to wonder how other ideas might pan out or how other meandering paths might end.

For me, a change lover, these times are normally exciting and full of promise. But, this time I find myself wondering how things could ever get better than they are right this minute. It’s like when my boys build a tower of blocks and we all hold our breath because, who would want to knock down such a lovely thing?

But, holding your breath is no way to live.

So, whatever change may come…I’ll do my best to breath. :) Will you do the same?