Asher-Day 7 and 8

By tiny twig •  Updated: 05/14/11 •  2 min read

First off–he is still making a slow and steady improvement each day.  He seems to be stuck on this whole process of slowing down his breathing.  The doctors seem to think he still just needs time to heal and that he probably still has some inflammation in his lungs.  One doctor said she wouldn’t be surprised to see it last several more days.  However, he cannot have a bottle or breastfeed (which I’m not even going to try to deal with while he’s in the NICU.  i’m pumping away here at the Twig Dairy…don’t judge) until he slow down his respirations.  He needs to be under 70 to have a bottle…and that has happened a grand total of twice.  :)  The good news–he does great with the bottle and seems to really want a bottle all the time.  However, it is not safe when he is breating so fast.  He could aspirate the milk and cause more breathing issues for himself–vicious cycle.

Anyway, there isn’t much as far as updates go.  Even the doctors don’t have much to say from day to day.  We’re just waiting for him to heal–which is of course on God’s timing and Asher’s.  Again, I’m waiting on a teeny, tiny boy and a GREAT, BIG God.


And lest you think we are forgetting our other boys…they are loving playing in the backyard, spending time with grandparents, and being all around rowdy little people.  We spent some time engaging in a rousing game of t-ball yesterday…and are realizing that Cooper (Twig2) is a Southpaw.  I’ve always wanted a little lefty.  :)  Noah can hit a mean line drive and really gets into the hold technique of the swing, etc.  I am glad to see the boys enjoying playing together and being outside.  It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of.  I love our backyard–it is such a sanctuary to me.

Thank you, again and again, for your prayers.  We feel all wrapped up in them.  Such peace and such comfort even in the midst of an absolutely gobsmacking week.
