a welcomed rest

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 03/24/14 •  3 min read

FRANKLLOYDWRIGHTI think it’s fairly cliche at this point in American history for a young woman to escape to the desert for healing and respite. A hard Midwestern winter bogs her down, so she flies over mountain and stream to land in Arizona and thaw.

Well, thaw I did. Thank goodness. I seriously don’t know how to describe this winter. It’s been long and hard for me. I’m chronically deficient in Vitamin D to the point of melancholy days and bone aches when I’m shut up in the house for too long. Now, I can anecdotally attest–5 months is far too long. It’s been over 5 months since Indianapolis has seen a 70 degree day, and I could literally feel it in my bones.

The kicker, the hilarious irony in this situation is this. I desperately needed sun–but I’ve also developed something like a Sun Rash, I inconveniently found during my Arizona vacation. My skin is so unused to the sun that creates a histamine reaction to the UV rays–subjecting me to bright red hives wherever the sun dwell on my skin. This is my life, people.

taliesinwest1However, nothing could keep me out of the bright and clear air. There was something so pure about the air. It was crisp, but warm. Craziest thing. There actually IS such a thing as a “dry heat”. I thought that was something people from Phoenix made up to console themselves during their 115 degree summer days.

It took me a full 3 days of real rest of feel like I was relaxed. I think what scared me the most was how fresh and competent I felt by that 4th day. I spent the morning of the 4th day doing bills, taxes, and emails. These are things that I usually dread, because I never have a good feel for where I stand at any given time. It would take me a whole day to complete those tasks at home, because I’d be distracted, half-hearted, or just overall overwhelmed. I can remember a time when it wasn’t like that. It was a time 2 boys and 1000 square feet ago. Our family was 2/3rds our current size and we lived in a considerably smaller home. These are things that are fairly “permanent” in my life, the boys more so than the square footage…but, moving is never a cinch.

So, this has me thinking about how I can streamline my life in a way that is true to my slightly nutty self. How can a creative young lady gain back some of the sanity she lost between years 24 and 28??

It’s important, because Tiny Twig is branching out. More news to come (and it’s a lot of why I’ve been so quiet around here!), but I’d love for you to follow @WildlyCo on Instagram and Twitter to get all the inside backstory and news before our launch on April 1st.