Week 1 Mission :: Coats for Those Who Need Them

By tiny twig •  Updated: 01/04/10 •  2 min read

Because of this…

Picture 19

My mission this week is to buy ten coats from a thrift shop, wash them, and take them to men, women, and children who need them.  I hope I can find some cute retro ski coats or some long woolen men’s coats–because the only thing better than a coat on a warm day is a stylish coat on a warm day.  My particular disdain for the winter months has fueled my passion for helping to keep even just a few people warm.  Winter, in my opinion, is the worst of all the seasons…cold, gray, and looooooong.  Nasty in every sense of the word.  But, I am particularly excited about this mission, because it helps me dive into an IMMEDIATE need our community has instead of just thinking it would be a nice thing to do.

Can you imagine if you didn’t have a coat for you child in these freezing temperatures?  We live in a fairly moderate climate–one where not everyone would necessarily have a heavy winter coat (I know I left all of my crazy warm coats up in Indiana when we moved South!).  That fact makes these surprise cold snaps particularly dangerous, and a particularly great opportunity for me to serve those less fortunate than myself.

Check back throughout the week as our adventure develops.  I can’t wait to see the coats we can come up with, the people we can help keep warm, and the lessons we learn from this mission.
