7 Crazy Simple Ways to Have Energy All Day Long

By Annie Lempke •  Updated: 09/18/15 •  5 min read

7 simple ways to have high energy all day long Before we try and solve our own energy crisis that is going on, let’s start by saying that us Tiny Twiggers do not support the “all or nothing” method is having enough energy to get through all your day. Eating “healthy” doesn’t mean eating only healthy. Being well is a process and it’s not going to happen overnight. Sure, organic eating is great thing but pressuring your self to always and only eating organic, fresh, GMO free is going to end up causing more stress then we want to feel. I am no health professional, but I hope these 7 way to increase your energy though out the day will be an addition to your “grown-up toolbox” that will help you live with less fuss and more ease, and of course more energy…

1. Aqua!!

So easy, yet so hard, right?? They say that drinking water helps everything in your body. When I am feeling zoned out, headachy, and tired, this is really my go-to. I’ll drink half a bottle, give it a half-hour and notice that I am refreshed. A good water bottle is a necessity, I have two of my favorite so that I always have a clean one. Small steps, like replacing one of your daily drinks with water are a good start. Lemons are good too! Especially if you crave some sort of taste other than water.

Love this: a sweet little glass waterbottle

2. Eat salad. But not for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

There is a lot of pressure to eat healthy surrounding us and I don’t think it’s fair. For me, eating a healthy, energy-filled meal is not as simple as a yes or no question. A billion factors like: where am I, what am I doing, what’s around, how much money do I have, when the last time I went to the grocery store, and so on. I try to eat one greenish meal a day (usually a salad) and then balance the others. Small victories really add up!

Get this: a cookbook to dress up your “lettuce in a bag”

3. Schedule your sleep.

Sleep is great. But everyone is SO different when it comes to sleep needs. You can’t compare my sleep schedule to yours. Some people are magical and can get 3 hours of sleep and still look like themselves and function. Others, like myself, need more. I don’t go to bed early every night. I give myself a goal of lights out before 11pm two nights a week. The others are a balancing act. I repeat, small victories!

4. Exercise! It doesn’t have to be a routine. 

I have not figured out in my life how to make exercising a part of my life routine. It’s really hard. So if you feel the same way, know that I am with you. I try to go to yoga once a week? A walk/run here and there? I take boot camp classes, sometimes. Lately, I have been taking the stairs to my class on the 17th floor of a building. I’m nutty, but it makes me feel like I tried. Do something weird if it works for you. And by all means, if you know how to make it easier, I’m all ears.

5. Get up earlier?

I know, I know. When people tell me to do this, I think it sounds like the worst idea ever. But there is no question how much more sluggish I feel when I sleep in till 10 or 11. I try hard to limit myself to only doing so on morning. Getting up earlier is a great way to jump start your body into energy mode. Kids, jobs, other important things control this one but if you have the choice, try to get up at a time that causes you to feel better.

Try this: an easy wake-up morning light alarm clock

6. iPhone vs. Me: The Battle of the Century

I feel tired and unmotivated after I unnecessarily staring at my phone for an hour. My trick is to monitor my phone activity by how much battery I have left. It’s always at 100% in the morning, and the more battery I have during the day, the better. Try to stay off your phone so you can stop feeling zoned out and tired.

7. Stop feelin’ that pressure

One of my favorite quotes,“Good for her. Not for me.” was written by Amy Poehler in her real-life, wondrous book Yes Please. It’s a constant reminder that what works for one person, might not work for you. No one is wrong and no one is right. If your way complicated plan to eat, sleep, and exercise works for you then do it and don’t feel like you need to justify the how or why to anyone if you don’t want to. Seasons and situations are ever changing and our lives and bodies change. Do what you can, when you can and don’t look past your own small victories.

Read this: You Don’t Have to Keep the World Spinning