real food fast

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 04/26/12 •  3 min read

Okay, so I’m on a mission this summer to figure out how to feed my family as wholesomely as possible.  We’ll probably never be a 100% organic, Paleo-diet, sugar-free, no food dye people.  After all, I do love Diet Mt. Dew (a girl can have 1 vice, right?  it’s poison…I know).

This spring, Husband and I decided to ask best friends of ours to share a large garden plot at my grandparent’s house.  It’s too big for us to garden (or as I like to say, “farm”) ourselves, but we thought it would be manageable with another family.  Plus, we imagined hot summer days spent together in community–doing life, growing food, watching the babies eat raspberries off the bush.  Right??

I am going to have all of this wholesome, beautiful food and not know what to do with, I’m afraid.  But, Trina Holden has come to my rescue.  She wrote a really helpful eBook called Real {Fast} Food.  It is the No Fuss kind of way to eat in a more wholesome way.

You know I can’t stand fussy sorts of things.  I think I’m allergic to fuss.  In reality, if it doesn’t work for my lifestyle–I’m not going to do it.  Some parts of Real {Fast} Food may seem impractical for your lifestyle (like I can’t go grocery shopping once per month, I know I’d dread it).  But, where some parts may not fit your lifestyle, Trina has more than made up for in really simple and easy answers to eating better as a family.

Who knew that soaking grains was good for you?  I had heard murmurings that this was the case, but didn’t have a clue why.  Now, because of Real {Fast} Food, I know that it helps with digestion and actually makes a fluffier end product.  Not only does Trina explain the reasons behind her decisions in wholesome cooking–but she maps out the best way to go about adding a certain practice to your lifestyle.

What I think I like most about the eBook is that it isn’t an all or nothing kind of thing.  Absolutely nothing will make me walk away from a “lifestyle” faster than rigidity.  I simply believe that every family, every person, has unique idiosyncrasies which make them unique.  No one plan fits everyone.  We pick and choose our way through life, hoping to land on a good marriage of good-for-us and smart-for-us.  That’s the case with Real {Fast} Food.

I’m really excited to use some of the things I’ve learned in the eBook to make our way through summer eating.  I think we’ll try to work on some sort of hybrid kind of healthy eating.  I’m pretty sure I’ve learned enough from Trina to get me started.

real {fast} food