no brainer wardrobe :: purge, purge, purge

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 10/03/13 •  3 min read


Once you have a decent idea of your style, it’s time to start slimming down your closet. You see, a full closet of clothes you don’t love will make for long mornings spent staring blankly at that pretty mess. I’m going to get bossy. Are you ready? It’s time to put on your big girl pants and be willing to get your hands dirty.


Get rid of anything that is stained, torn, or otherwise beyond repair. Straight up throw it away (recycle if you can), but don’t donate it. Only donate things you’d be blessed to see other people wearing.


Get rid of anything you’ve never worn. Get rid of anything that has guilty or negative connotations to you. Get rid of the castoffs from friends that you hate. Get rid of the gift that never fit right. You can donate these items–I’m sure someone will love what you don’t.

Also? It’s okay. Ditch the guilt, we’re after a closet that you will love. That’s not petty, that’s a time-saving, money-saving massive life-changing thing for some women.


Get rid of anything you haven’t worn for a year. Get rid of anything that never felt right. Get rid of anything that is a fabric that you hate.


Consider selling valuable items that you don’t love anymore. Maybe you don’t know what to wear that sequined shirt with? Maybe you went crazy with a studded miniskirt and now you work an office job. Mine your wardrobe for things you like, but would prefer the spending cash in lieu of holding on to the garment.

Now. Hear this.

You won’t love your closet until you start to slim it down. You probably have a few too many ill-fitting Target cardigans. You possibly have some things from Forever 21 that you’re holding onto just because their return policy stinks. You may have gained (or lost!) a few pounds and have a selection of sizes from your “I’m so skinny” to your “I Hope I’m Never There Again”. Keep a closet for your you today. It can be small, it can be made of just several hardworking, well-fitting items. But, if nothing else, relegate the ill-fitters to another closet. No need to have that business staring you in the face every morning.


I say these things because it’s so important to have a workable wardrobe. Once you clear out the junk, you’ll better be able to see the holes that need filling. Plus, you may just unbury some things that you adore and totally forgot you had. If you feel hesitant about actually ridding your closet of castoffs, put them in plastic bags out of sight for a month. If you don’t miss them, then maybe you’ll have the freedom to pitch or donate. Just, please, get to work. We can’t go one until you do. :)