no brainer wardrobe :: finding your holes (the essentials)

By Hayley Morgan •  Updated: 10/07/13 •  3 min read


I’m decidedly kind of minimalistic when it comes to my clothes. I don’t like having tons of stuff hanging around that I don’t wear. It makes me feel guilty, I don’t like having to rifle through the things I don’t wear to get to the things I do wear, and let’s be honest, I can only afford 50 nice wooden hangers and I hang up all my clothes except sweatpants, bras, and underwear.

So, I’d argue any day to have a smaller yet more functional wardrobe. I’d argue that after purging your closet, your holes are probably fewer than you’d initially imagine.

Let me define a “hole”. I’d say that a “hold” in your closet or wardrobe (I’ll use those interchangeably) is an article that is absent that would truly be missed.

If I didn’t have jeans, that would be a massive hole.

If I didn’t have a couple great t-shirts, I’d be shopping right now.

I probably don’t need a 7th flowy polyester blouse.

I probably don’t need that 5th pair of ballet flats.

So, once you’ve purged your closet…it’s time to identify what you need to build back up. You can acquire these pieces either from the store or from a friend who may have had one too many flowy polyester blouses.

I use my 50 hangers as a litmus test of sorts. I can’t fit more than 50 articles in my closet, so, I have to be choosy.

Here’s what I would consider “essentials” of a foundation of a wardrobe in 2013 (the additions and the finishers will skew either more dressy or more casual to tailor to your lifestyle). The links in this list are just options! Go to your favorite store where you know the fit!

In the coming days, we’ll add on the “additions” and the “finishers” as well as accessories. You’ll end up with a closet full of ideas–and tons of time back into your day. Just remember, getting ready in the morning isn’t the be-all-end-all of your life. They are just clothes, not your identity not your sole means of self-expression. Get some clothes you feel great in, and then just get dressed and get on with it!

disclosure: If you purchase something through a link in this post, I receive a very small commission–which makes it possible for me to keep writing Tiny Twig! :)