M15 :: Trying Garment Sewing Again

By tiny twig •  Updated: 04/05/10 •  1 min read


If not this shirt…then another

But, at the end of this week, I will have a darling article of clothing that I made myself.

I was tempted to give up.

Which is why I know I can't.

The perfectionist in me wants to stuff that shirt (and the corresponding blog posts) to the bottom of the pile.

Where no one will see it.

Where no one will judge my ineptitude.

Where I won't be able to see my own failure.

But, I want to be able to sew clothes.  At least from a pattern.  At least from someone's else know-how.

So, I will try again.

I will air my imperfection.

Some people find that charming, after all.  :)
