If You Met Me

By tiny twig •  Updated: 04/08/11 •  2 min read


If you met me…

…We'd do an awkward dance as we said hello, because I never know what to do about that hug thing.  Side hug?  Full on embrace?  Tiny-arms-only hug?  It's what makes me most nervous about meeting new people and seeing new-ish friends.

…I would likely be wearing pants, even if it's 90 degrees outside.  I don't like how shorts feel when it's hot and sticky outside.  This annoys my mother to no end, and I wonder if she'll ever get over it. 

…You might see my two boys and nod to my belly and say, "I hope that one, the one in your belly, is a…".  And I'd hop in before you said something to embarrass yourself.  "This one's a boy, too, we're really excited!  And yes, they are crazy!".  You'd be surprised at how many people assume we're disappointed this new baby is a boy.

This is a prompt from Lisa-Jo at The Gypsy Mama, where you engage with the written word for 5 minutes each Friday.  You simply sit down to write and embrace what comes out.  It's a great exercise to get you thinking about the words you write as you write them.  I find that when I know there is no time to go back and edit, I'm more thoughtful about what comes out as I go.
