
Here’s the thing. I love ideas. I love big ideas or small ideas. I love ideas that will make the world better or even ideas that will just make the world plain fun.

But, you have to get good at some life processes to get your ideas from your head and your heart and then out into the world. I am the least routine person you’ll ever meet, much to my husband’s chagrin (I like to think that his process-y self met his foil in me!).

So, in 2013, I purposed to get better at goal setting. I wanted to get better at the art of setting goals so that I could get better at achieving them. I love to have ideas, but those ideas are more like mind cobwebs if I don’t get them out of my head and into action.

A few people that particularly inspire me as far as goals go are Nancy Ray, Lara Casey, and Elise Blaha Cripe. I love that each woman has her own flavor and way about her. This makes me super confident that anyone can set goals…not just the super Type A among us.

So, every month on the first of the month (or the first Monday if it falls on a weekend), I encourage women to link up with their monthly goals. I also reflect on the prior month and publicly declare my goals for the new month. It’s great fun, and I’m sort of getting the hang of it. Mostly, the community is great and just knowing that we’re all moving in the right direction together.

You have to point your ship somewhere, and that’s what goal setting is to ME!

November 2013

December 2013

January 2014